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24 Things I've Learned in 24 Years

So today I turned 24 and I feel old. I know it's not, but I feel like I was just thinking about how awesome it would be to turn 16 so I could drive and then 19 so I can drink and turn 21 so I can drink in the states, always looking for those little milestones. And now I am 24, with not a single new milestone but I can say that I am looking forward to a whole lot more than just when I can drink and when I can drive (not at the same time!). Here are some of the things that I feel I have learned so far and want to share with you!

1. Friends and family will always be there. Make the time for them because you never know what life has planned for everyone. 

2. Money is an object, and realistically it will never make you a better person. We obviously need money to function in this society, but it will never make you better or will give you a higher prevalence in life. 

3. You don't need a bunch of friends. I'd rather have a small group of great friends, than a large group who don't deeply know me. 

4. Who you are in highschool, most of the time, irrelevant. You are finding out who you are, so don't think about who you used to be and focus on the person you want to be today. 

5. Be kind. Being kind can go a long way. If you are kind, nothing bad can really come from it so put yourself in someone's shoes and try your best to speak to people with respect and kindness, always. 

6. Stop focusing on boys. Especially the ones who don't make time for you and make you feel small and irrelevant. They just aren't worth your time. 

7. Don't stress about your future. You can't change the future, so there is no reason for you to get worked up about it. Do the best you can in this moment, work hard and hope for the best. 

8. Friends will come and go. If people are toxic, you don't need them in your life but don't try to hold on to something to please other people. 

9. Give yourself some credit. You are smarter than you think, don't belittle yourself and work hard. Often times, I get into my own head and think I can't do this, but most of the time, I can. 

10. Not everyone is going to like you. And that is fine. If someone doesn't like you, thats okay. We can't please everyone, so just focus on yourself and don't worry about other people. 

11. Don't worry about what other people think. If you want to do something, do it. Who's to say you can't because it's your life. You make your own rules. 

12. Surrounding yourself with positive people will make you feel 1000x better. 

13. Being independent and spending time alone, refuels my energy so I can be my best self for other people. 

14. I have learned I am an ambivert. I am quiet in new social situations, outgoing with close friends, enjoy quality alone time and love being around close friends. And I am perfectly okay with that. 

15. If you want to wear something, wear it. I love following fashion and doing makeup and if people are going to judge, who cares. Just do what makes you happy. 

16. Don't live in the past. Having anxiety really doesn't help this, but I could think about the same thing for weeks and replay it in my head. Do your best to forget about it and move on. What's done is done and we can't keep letting little thoughts take over our lives. 

17. Everyone has their own struggle. Your life isn't perfect and neither is anyone elses. Someone who may look like they have it all, probably doesn't. We are all doing our best in life. 

18. Stop reaching for what you don't have. We are always going to want more than what we already have, live in the moment and appreciate what you do have in this very moment. 

19. Materialistic objects don't make you a better person. 

20. Social Media is a false reality. Spend less time on it because the more you look, the more you compare and pick yourself apart. 

21. Find a relationship where your significant other is your best friend, who respects you, laughs with you, can be your 100% self with because life is too short to spend it with someone who makes you feel anything less than the best. 

22. If you don't want to drink you don't have to justify it to anyone. I have to be in a certain mood to drink! But you can still go out and have a good time, but being drunk doesn't make you any better so I've learned to do it only when I am feeling it.  

23. Enjoying the little things in life really makes me happier. I try to appreciate as much as I can from silly things like comforting noises to where I am in life. Focusing on the positives rather than the negatives can really change your perspective. 

24. Let the little things go. If they don't matter tomorrow, or in a week, or in a year, don't make a big deal out of it and move forward. 

Bonus. Loving yourself is one of the biggest realizations I have had. Always stay humble and know your own worth. You are so much better than you think and no one, not even yourself can take that away from you. 

I think the overall message I am trying to get out here is don't be afraid to be yourself, stop worrying about what others think and live in the moment. We only get this one chance at life and we shouldn't be afraid to be our best self. 

Thanks for reading! - Jessica

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