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10 Habits to Increase Your Happiness

I wanted to bring a more positive note from yesterday's blog and share some tips I found have helped me over the past year and a half that has boosted my happiness overall. After people reaching out to me, saying they have been there, saying they can relate to what I posted honestly makes me so happy that I posted it after feeling so nervous for a little bit after. Once people started messaging me, I realized that it was definitely worth it so I thank everyone who took the time to do so. Anyways, I want to share a couple happiness hacks that I've learned myself over time that I want to share with you because truly I want everyone to feel worth and feel happy as much as someone physically can!

So here we go..

1. Spend time with people who make you genuinely laugh. Laughter is medicine, and I can't tell you enough about the people who stay in my life are the ones that make me laugh, and not just laugh to be polite, genuinely laugh. A real laugh, which if you know me takes quite a bit to do. I honestly have laughed more in the past year than I have my entire life and the people I surround myself with do just that!

2. Redirect your thinking. So this is one I still struggle with until this day but trust me, it can make a huge impact on your mood. When you are in a train of negative thoughts, really think about what it is that is so negative and redirect yourself to think positively about it. Seems easy right? well trust me it's a lot harder in some moments than others but once you get yourself to think more positively it becomes more of a habit and less of a chore. BE MORE POSITIVE!!

3. Distance yourself from people who are negative. Trust me. It's not their fault, but for your own sake, do it. I keep seeing these home decor pieces that say, "your vibe attracts your tribe", and as cheesy as that is, it's true! Who you spend your time around reflects the person you are and vice versa. If you are spending time with negative people, odds are you'll be negative as well. Bring positive people into your life and watch how easy it is to be positive!

4. Get some sort of physical activity in your day. This doesn't mean you have to go crush as many weights as you think you can, but even just getting outside, going for a walk, if you want to crush weights, do it! Just do some type of physical activity that you enjoy because it is our responsibility to take care of our bodies. Do what you can.

5. Eat healthy. For some, this may be obvious, and I don't mean you have to eat salads 24/7 because trust me that's not how I work at all. But eat a balanced diet, eat whole foods and fuel your insides. You don't have to give up the treats you love because if you know me, you know I will crush not so healthy meals if I want it! When you eat like shit, you feel like shit. So do your body and soul a favour and eat healthy as much as possible!

6. Read or watch something motivational. This is still something I slack with, but when I have the time I will read something that motivates me or if you don't like reading, watch a youtube video. Just make sure you are watching the right type of people on youtube. If you have time, read a few pages of some type of motivational, self-care books because it puts things into perspective and gets you thinking on a more positive note outside of your own thoughts. I do this when I can and usually find myself gravitating to them when I need a little pick me up or life guidance.

7. Make time for friends. Not just to go out and party, find time to really be present with them. Ask how they are doing, go to a coffee shop and catch up with them, sit and watch a movie together, maybe have a glass of wine. My friends are honestly some of the best people I know and I can see through them how important quality time is, which is something I think a lot of people forget to do. There are times when I do forget to reach out to them, but I am so lucky that no matter how long I am away from my friends, we can always come back together and act like nothing ever changed! (LOVE YOU GUYS)

8. Stop comparing. Alright, here's the truth, we are all notorious for doing this at some point whether it's conscious or subconsciously. But seriously stop doing it, stop comparing yourself to others, whether it's someone's timeline in life, their body, how they look, their job, how much money they make. It's never going to make you someone else, so embrace what you have and love every ounce of it.

9. Social Media. God damn, I have a love-hate relationship with this thing. I think lots of people do but it kind of ties to what I said before about comparison. We look at peoples Instagrams and think, "their life is perfect, they are perfect". Well guess what, the reality is that they probably have their days too, they probably compare themselves to others too, so we all just need to stop. Stop looking at social media so much and start being more present with what matters in life.

10. Spend time with yourself. This is something that is so important, and I said it on my blog yesterday but the only way you'll be happy is being happy in your own skin. Make yourself laugh, figure out what it is that you love to do and do it. I've picked up so many things I love doing in a short amount of time because I was always afraid of what other people thought before, but now I truly just don't care. I'm going to what is best for me, and if people want to judge that is just the type of character that reflects them, NOT YOU. You only live once, so make the best of what you've got and do the things you love.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this long blog again but I just wanted to share this because of all the positive responses I got yesterday!

Don't be shy to share some happiness tips down below.

Love you all!

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